
NE Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Local doctor: Allergy testing is now 'very straightforward and comfortable'


• In the spring, seasonal allergies are typically triggered by tree pollen and grass.
• Allergy sufferers can take precautions, such as monitoring the pollen count and showering after coming inside.
• ENT physicians offer treatments like allergy drops or shots.

In the thick of spring allergy season, seasonal allergy sufferers might be wondering about testing or treatment options. Allergy testing has advanced and become much more comfortable for patients, according to Dr. Franklyn Gergits of Sinus and Allergy Wellness Center. 

"We perform testing now that is very straightforward and comfortable," Gergits told NE Valley Times. "I've been tested multiple times myself as an allergy sufferer and asthmatic. I've been through the old-fashioned testing, and I prefer the new testing. Little prongs go onto the arm, so it’s not individual injections into the skin. It's just pressure and then a small drop of a specific allergen or a mix is introduced into the skin with pressure. They are small, little needles that you really can't feel."

Gergits explains what happens once the testing panel has been placed on the arm.

"We wait a while, then we come back in and check the arm to see what kind of reactions the patients have," he said. "That gives us the results that we need to go ahead and allow patients to know what they're allergic to and initiate treatment. Sometimes that treatment includes allergy drops."

Spring allergy season can begin as early as February and last through early summer. Common triggers are tree pollen early in the spring season and grass pollen later on in the season, according to the Flonase website. More-than-usual rain during the spring can lead to faster plant growth, which can also cause an increase in mold spores.

The 50 million Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies might experience sneezing, coughing, congestion, itchy eyes, a runny nose and fatigue, according to Yale Medicine. People who need to undergo testing for allergies typically have two options. One option is is a skin prick test, during which a doctor will insert a tiny amount of potential allergens under the skin of the patient's upper arm. The skin will become red and swollen if the patient has an allergy, and patients typically have their results within one to two days.

The other option is a blood test, during which the patient's blood is drawn and tested for allergens in a lab. Although this testing method takes longer to produce results, it allows doctors to test for more allergens than during a skin test.

To minimize spring allergy symptoms, Mayo Clinic recommends staying indoors on dry, windy days when pollen is more likely to be spreading. Allergy sufferers should also shower after coming indoors to remove any pollen from their skin. Checking the pollen count on a local news station or the internet can help people with allergies plan for when it is best to stay indoors and keep windows shut.

Allergy sufferers may want to try an over-the-counter remedy, such as oral decongestants, antihistamines or nasal sprays. If those solutions don't ease the allergy symptoms, alternative treatments such as allergy shots or sublingual immunotherapy could provide relief.

To learn more about the symptoms of allergies and sinusitis, take this Sinus Self-Assessment Quiz.