Scottsdale is calling on residents to contribute to their community by applying for positions on various city boards and commissions. Applications are open until August 31, 2023, for several roles.
In November, Scottsdale will recognize veterans and military service members by displaying their images on light pole banners in Old Town. This marks the second year of the Scottsdale Salutes program.
EPCOR has issued letters to customers who receive wastewater services from Scottsdale Water while also being EPCOR water customers. The communication is aimed at informing them about recent changes in the partnership between the two entities.
Managing chronic sinusitis can be extremely expensive, but a balloon sinuplasty can relieve symptoms long term so patients don't have to pay unnecessary bills. Dr. Franklyn Gergits of Sinus and Allergy Wellness Center of North Scottsdale says most patients who suffer from nasal sinus symptoms can benefit from the procedure, which provides lasting results.
The city of Scottsdale has announced changes to its notification process for general plan and rezoning cases. Notifications will now be sent to properties within 1,250 feet, an increase from the previous 750 feet. Additionally, applicants are required to provide online case fact sheets summarizing project changes with each resubmittal.
Companies are facing a new type of crisis due to the rise of AI-generated deepfakes, and many are unprepared, according to AI Deepfake industry experts. These experts warn that companies must take action now or risk long-term damage."A fake AI-generated video showing your company leader stating that your big new product is going to be delayed by months, leading your stock price to drop so that short-sellers can make a killing before you even start to mount a defense," said one industry expert.
The City of Scottsdale has expressed concerns over the potential impact of eliminating the residential rental tax, which currently contributes significantly to the city's budget. The removal of this tax is expected to generate an estimated $14.7 million in revenue for the current fiscal year, with about $10 million allocated to the general fund. This fund supports essential services such as police, fire services, parks maintenance, after-school programs, senior centers, and libraries.